Maggiori fonti bibliografiche e fotografiche Many thanks to: Conway's All The World's Fighting Ships 1860-1905
Navi a Vela e Navi Miste
Italiane 1861-1887, F, Bargoni, F. Gay, V.M. Gay, Ufficio Storico MM,
Roma 2001
Il Romanzo della Vela,
Tomaso Gropallo, Maralunga, Bogliasco - Genova 1964 The Schooner in Design & Development from 1600 to the present, David R. MacGregor, Caxton, Londra 2003 The Ironclads, Peter Hore, Southwater, Anness Publishing, Londra 2006 Marina Militare - Ministero della Difesa
The Maritime History Virtual Archive, Lars Bruzelius dell'Universitą di Uppsala,
http://www.bruzelius.info/ Navy of the World, Senotrusov Vyacheslav, http://navyworld.narod.ru/index.html Traditional Boats & Tall Ships http://www.tallship.co.uk/index.phtml Clyde Shipping & Shipbuilding http://www.clydesite.co.uk/ Les Voiliers Nantais http://voiliersnantais.free.fr Ministero Francese della Cultura http://www.culture.gouv.fr/ Nave Pamir http://pamir.chez.tiscali.fr/ Sailing Ships http://sailing-ships.oktett.net/ Photoships Co, Registri Navali ed Albums fotografici Photoships.Co.Uk Mariners http://www.mariners-l.co.uk/LibIndex.html The Ships Encyclopedia - Archivio Cimorelli http://www.cimorelli.com/magellan/
Libreria del Congresso, Washington D.C., USA
Schoonerman - Schooner & Tall Sailing Ships
Archivio Storico della Marina Militare Italiana
Cartoline di Liguria, Stefano Finauri,
Naval History in World Wars Battleships Spb Russia Mорской флот History of the World's Navy http://www.battleships-cruisers.co.uk/
All Ships of the US Navy
by Answers,com
http://www.answers.com/t Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ships_of_the_Royal_Navy History of the US Navy & Naval Ships http://www.navyhistory.com/
Dictionary of the US Ships
David R. MacGregor,
Fast Sailing Ships, Conway, London 1973 |