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40.                         T. V.  1898                          

The schooner "Cuneo" swept by a hurricane outside the port of Camogli

 Oil on canvas, cm. 93x67 (inventory Costa n. 81)         Signed: T.V.

Known data:

   TYPE:                                          Topsail Schooner
   SHIPOWNER:                           Luigi Cuneo


          "Grace received by Our Lady of the Boschetto. - Hurricane suffered by the Schooner Cuneo outside the port of Camogli, the morning towards four o'clock of 27th November 1898, being on board the Master Luigi Cuneo and a ship-boy".


Even though the most painting offers for escaped dangers talks about evenements occurred in the farthest seas of the world in which the camogliese sailors were involved in all the eighth hundreds, this are the only one, between those conserved in the Sanctuary of the Boschetto, just occurred in the port of Camogli. 

In the chapter "Ancient Camogli - Picture Gallery" of this website you can also see some original 1898 pictures of the effects of the same hurricane.

Although all the boats of the camogliese shipowners weren't in the local port, the harbour of Camogli for ages had been object of attentions and improvements. One of the most ancient and interesting pictures of the inhabited nucleus of Camogli is just a design introduced in 1624 to the Republic of Genoa for financing the extension of the wharf (Archives of State of Genoa, Camera, Finances, file 158, in F Simonetti, Basilica of S. Maria Assunta in Camogli, Genoa 1988, fíg. 3) and from then it can be said that it was always attempted to widen his receptivity. 

In the 1800's many expenses were supported to such aim by the Municipality of Camogli: in the years 1850 and in 1874 captain Gaetano Mortola elaborated a plan for a completely new harbour that, elongating towards the west coast, could become one of the largest and surest ports of Liguria: unfortunately the costs of it did not allow the realization (G.B.R. Figari - S. Bagnato Bonuccelli, the Merchant Marine of Camogli, Genoa 1983, p. 46). 

Therefore in this painting of the 1898 we see the schooner "Cuneo" swept by a sea storm "outside of the port" in which perhaps it doesn't had found, for lack of space, a surer mooring. 

On the cyclone that upset the port of Genoa and the Riviera on 27th November 1898, see the daily paper "Il Secolo XIX" of 29-11-1898, that describes also the  incidents occurred in the port of Camogli. 

If the loss of a boat had always been an economic misfortune, in the last years of the last century it could constitute a true drama because also in the calm moments it was by now times of bitter crisis not only to Camogli, but for all the Italian merchant marine.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: F. Simonetti, in "The Sailor's Prayer", Rome 1992, p. 687.